4th International Seminar and Expo on Jamu and Biotechnology

The 4th ISEJ Biotech (International Seminar and Expo on Jamu and Biotechnology) 2024 is a continuation of the bienial seminar organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Padjadjaran, previously held in 2022. The theme of The 4th ISEJ Biotech seminar is “Trends in Health and Beauty: Harnessing the Power of Natural Products” in response to increasing enthusiasm for natural products usage and biotechnological approach to maintain health and as also its utilization as active ingredients in beauty products.
The 4th ISEJ Biotech will be held on November 12-13th, 2024 in Savoy Homann Hotel, Bandung, West Java – Indonesia.
Please register to participate in 4th ISEJ Biotech here.